For years my life was filled with negative drama thriving on the attention it brought me. Everyone around me would jump right in to try to help me solve my dilemma of the day. It seemed I couldn’t make one decision in my life without getting feedback from every person I came into contact with. Being a hairstylist, then teacher gave me a large pool of people to emote to.


As I stepped onto the path of self awareness I began to realize I was as Dramaholic!  I was as addicted to drama as anyone hooked on cigarettes, alcohol, sex or food. I still am. Only now I focus on my positive dramas more and more. Yes, once in a while I still get caught up in the negativity around me. I am human after all.


How about you? Are you a Dramaholic?

  •       Does everything that could go wrong seem to go wrong for you?
  •       Do you feed off retelling your “woe is meees” to every sympathetic ear?
  •       Do you seem to have a repertoire of excuses for being late or behind on projects?
  •       Do you make mountains out of molehills and enjoy watching  reactions you get?

Yes, you say! Then you will be happy to find out you don’t have to give it up! All you need to do is change your focus from negative to positive drama and share, share, share!


I often wear an elastic band on my arm to snap myself out of the negative place I am in by bringing attention to it and following it with a positive thought.


How can you become a Positive Dramaholic? By Focusing on and Embellishing the Positive Dramas in Your Life: (The WOW! Moments)

  •       How often a parking spot is right there when you needed one
  •       How many kind or friendly people we come into contact with each day
  •       Unexpected gifts of time, love, money or compliments
  •       All the beautiful pictures Mother Nature keeps creating to awe us


Yes, other Dramaholics might try to pull you back to thedark side” on occasion. It’s human nature. Just take a step back to watch their antics as if viewing a comedy sitcom. It won’t be long before you are smiling, even laughing at how much they mirror you when you are at your Dramatic best. Everyone benefits from a good laugh at life!


Have You Had Your Laugh Today?  Just DO It!



From Carolyn's Lighten UP! Column in What Women Want Plus More