Bring A Rainbow Into Your Life
Posted by Carolyn Shannon on Wednesday, May 29, 2013 Under: Tips for Body, Mind & Spirit
Bring A Rainbow Into Your Life

Other ways you can absorb light into your body include eating colored foods, wearing different colors, decorating with different colors and looking at different colors.
Wear red if you need courage or confidence, if you want to flirt or be sexual or passionate. Red brings us joy and energy. However if you are angry, have trouble relaxing, or have high blood pressure, then you should not wear red. Never paint your bedroom red as it stimulates you and you will not sleep well.
Wear orange to bring fun into your life and increase you energy level. It's a playful color and the colour of excitement, joy and good humour. Wearing orange helps you reconnect with your emotions. Do not wear orange if you are dieting, - it causes you to eat more.
Yellow is the colour of spontaneity, and knowledge. Wear yellow if taking a test, to help you learn easily or just to be more in the moment. It helps with elimination problems. Don't wear yellow if you are very critical of yourself or others.
Green is the colour of nature and brings peace and harmony into your life. Wear green if you feel out of balance or just get out in nature. Green is a calming colour. Do not wear green if you have no motivation to get up and get going.
Blue is the colour of success and of chilling out and relaxing. Wear blue if you have difficulty relaxing but also to show you are in control of your life. Don't wear blue if you are lazy or can't get moving.
Purple is the color of spirit and helps us expand into higher consciousness. Don't wear purple if you have trouble staying grounded or completing projects in your life.
White is the color of purity and wisdom and the color of angels. When you wear white, always add some color such as a scarf or belt for warmth.
Black is the color of control and shows you are powerful and in control but should be softened with other colors. Don't wear black if you are depressed.
Eating foods of the various colors can also help balance your energy system and we should eat a variety of colored food. And lastly decorate your home with colors you love and that make you happy. Get outside in nature and balance your whole energy system. Enjoy the summer and the colors of the flowers.
In : Tips for Body, Mind & Spirit
Tags: rainbows chakras colours
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