Cleaning, Clearing Ha Ha Ha!
Lighten Up!
Cleaning, Clearing, Ha Ha Ha!
My spring cleaning came after the first day of summer this year. While starting was something I dreaded I finally had the time, opportunity and energy aligned to clear, clean and re-organize one weekend. While unable to go through my whole home, inside and out, the 75% I did get to left me feeling…LIGHTER, both physically and emotionally.
To help myself get into the mood and keep the momentum going I always try to make it fun. You can too! How you ask?
Put on your favourite upbeat music. Most dance music works to stimulate the root chakra helping us to move more efficiently and effortlessly. It is impossible to sit absolutely still when this music is playing loud enough to get your heart thumping.
Dance with your vacuum. The first time I heard this I smiled. When I actually tried it I was surprised how much easier it was to move with it rather than constantly pushing and pulling it almost against its will. (My vacuum and I are now friends where we were once enemies to the point where it broke my baby finger by slamming its lid down while I was changing a bag.)
Do things in short spurts. When I was teaching commercials were my get up and do something times. Besides using them for a washroom break, I could dust a room, sweep a floor, or organize a shelf or brush my teeth, wash my face etc, during this time. Yes, it can be hard getting off the couch especially in the winter when you are all cozy and warm but the sense of accomplishment is so worth it and far better than trying to do things just before bed. Now, while my SO (Significant Other) watches Public TV to avoid commercials altogether, I treasure them for the opportunities they present, even the ones that make me hungry.
Wear white running shoes. For me, it’s the WHITER, the LIGHTER I feel. Even notice new white sneakers seem to make you feel like an athlete ready to run a marathon? It feels like your feet want to move and you have no choice but to try to keep up with them.
Okay, see yourself now…white shoes, dancing with your vacuum to the song, “I Will Survive” during a commercial.
Have you had YOUR
Laugh today? Just DO it!
Carolyn Shannon, Owner & Original WOW Gal
In : Articles that Inspire, Empower or Heal
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