WOW REVIEWS 2018-2017

Each Month We Will Be Adding Reviews of Books & Other Forms of Media That Have Inspired Us & We Feel Would Appeal to Our Audience  

WOW Pick for December 2018

The Untold Story of the Donut Dollies

I was so excited when I came upon these AMAZING Women of which I knew nothing about until now. The Donut Dollies were American women who volunteered to go to Vietnam on an impossible mission: help the troops forget about the war. Let’s not forget about their role over this holiday season. 

In this video Gordan Sparks video glimpse HONORS these Women who helped bring a smile and a little bit of home to many of an American Veteran in the Vietnam War. These Women should be given Their Rightful Due for Their Service for Their Country. And The 5 Dollie's that were killed in Vietnam should be on "The Vietnam Wall". Gordon Parks is making this a Mission to Make that Happen. THEY MADE A DIFFERENCE. SALUTE LADIES and THANK YOU. Music...."She's A Lady" by Tom Jones "Lady" by The Little River Band  

Armed with nothing but cookies and home-made entertainment programs, the Donut Dollies risked their lives every day as they tried to fulfill their mission and cheer up the US troops. Despite their service and sacrifice, their stories and contributions in Vietnam have gone largely unnoticed and unappreciated.

Mark Jonathan Harris, three-time Academy Award-Winning Filmmaker and Documentarian, along with Norm Anderson, whose Mom was a Donut Dollieare hoping this more in-depth project will change that. View the trailer here and visit their website to find out about its debut.  We are waiting excitedly for this honouring of many WOW Gals & WOW Gal Angels!

A Scary Time (for boys) by Lynzy Lab

This is a WOW Song!!! Oct 11 was the International Day of the GirlThe idea of that day was to focus on female leadership to make better lives for girls. The news of the Supreme Court confirmation and a lot of talk about men not knowing what it's like to be a woman, but some men don't totally get it. After Donald Trump said, 'This is a very scary time for young men' and in response to that, a teacher from Texas named Lynzy Lab wrote a great song called 'A Scary Time' and recorded a video of herself singing it. It is very well done. 

In her song, Lab describes some of the many difficulties women face, like being afraid to wear mini skirts, not being able to ride 

WOW Pick for November 2018

public transportation alone after 7pm, and being uncomfortable leaving a drink unattended — but she really does sympathize with all the nervous men out there...

"It's really scary when your name is on the line and any woman you've assaulted could show up any time," Lab sings. "Yeah it sure is a scary time for guys, can't speak to any woman or look her in the eyes. It's so confusing, is it rape or is it just being nice? So inconvenient that you even have to think twice." 

Of course, the song is satirical. If the resistance hashtag didn't already tip you off. 

Lab ends the song with a final verse, pointing out how it is not such a scary time for boys, and encourages women to go out and vote in the midterms: "Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, cause it's not such a scary time for boys, they've always had the upper hand, they've always had a choice. It's time for women to rise up, use our collective voice, the day to vote is November sixth, so let's make some noise.Review by AMANDA LUZ HENNING SANTIAGO 

WOW Pick for October 2018

When I Hit You by Meena Kandasamy 

When I Hit You is an achingly beautiful and raw piece of work. The tale of a woman in love and proving a point who marries an attractive and persuasive professor. She is whisked away to live with him in his small costal town where the walls slowly start to close in one her as he becomes increasingly abusive and bullying. Told to stay put by her parents and work it out we watch as our narrator starts to fight back but will she survive it?

The prose in When I Hit You us delectable perfection, which made all the more sense when I discovered that the author is a poetess. Despite being written by a poet When I Hit You is not overwritten. Visceral and hard hitting there will be times you need to put it down for a few moments and walk away and yet it is difficult to put down and even harder to forget. There are moments of profound beauty and moments of utter horror. This is a novel that everyone can read and take something from it.

I found myself photographing endless passages that capture the essence of life, both the good times and he bad. From love to hate and everything in between. This is a book of life and a worthy inclusion of the Women’s Prize shortlist. A must read in my books I would urge each and everyone to read this important and timely novel. Gleaned from crazybookladyreviews 

A Woman's Purse is a Mysterious Thing

This video is hilarious albeit a bit too short for my liking… or my purse contents. Unlike the woman in this video…I have a much harder time finding the exact item I am looking for. Often, I will lament the need for a computerized purse that would bring the item desired to the top just by pushing a button or asking Alexa to make it happen. It seems every time I organize things some gremlin comes along and rearranges it and the hunt is on!

Other testimonials to Past Present and Future Purse contents
Holly Fisher: LOL~The wine and ice cream...This is totally me, with keeping every, single receipt under the sun.  Plus, being a Nana, now, add in the toys, sippy cups, fruit snacks, and coloring crayons!!
WOW Pick for September 2018

Wild Things: "Haha when my toe randomly started bleeding my mom pulled out disinfecting wipes tissues and Band-Aids, then socks so it would be protected! It's amazing!"

Kevin Madzima: "My mom legit pulled out some grapes from her bag out of nowhere one day I said I was hungry. She also occasionally just pulls out medicine, mints, etc. for my dad. WHERE DOES IT COME FROM?"

MollyMac 444: "My great grandmother used to have a doll house kitchen sink in her purse because everyone used to tell her “you have everything but the kitchen sink in here!”

Manic Mama Hippo:"This was my Mama's purse and somehow has become my purse as well! My boy's joke all the time that I am a walking pharmacy!"

Scarlett Luu: "It's a literal void filled with everything but only the purses owner can find things!"

that girl in okc: "yes! This is my purse! The variety of pain relievers, including the discontinued one! I also carry snacks, bottled water and a full manicure set... just in case"

Carla Mautz: Yasssssss. "Except one thing - no man would ever dare go into a woman’s purse. They would bring it to you and make you get whatever they need." 

WOW Pick for August 2018
When Your Past is Hurting Your Present by Sue Augustine

In my work I am surrounded by AMAZING women who have overcome so many obstacles in various areas of their lives. All of them, as well as myself recognizing the moments we cycle backward when a new trigger comes out of the blue and how, sometimes for days we feel like we haven’t moved past the past at all.

An anonymous quote in this book speaks to how the past can eat us alive: “It is not the experience of today that drives us mad; it is the remorse and bitterness of something which happened yesterday.” Some of us out there may still be stuck in rehashing old hurtful moments longer than we want to be and would benefit most from this book. 

Whenever that occurs in my life I revisit this resource that helped me get beyond this and keeps me moving forward even today. It is well worn and “highly” highlighted and full of notes, Ah-has and OMGs!  Most of all it reminds me of how far I have come which on review has been AMAZING too.

I highly recommend both this and the author’s first book, With Wings…There are No Barriers as books of guidance and inspiration for every woman’s personal library. Both can be read quickly and /or on a daily basis until you re-establish your life’s balance. 

This book has a chapter on “Building Foundations Day by Day” which includes Plan Balances for your body, your soul and your spirit. “The past cannot be changed…the future can be anything you want it to be.” This book will help to make that transition. 
Review by WOWMagazine Founder, C Shannon

Mother Nature is Standing By by Carolyn Shannon

When I took the photo at right during a walk a couple of years ago I never really knew what it meant to me until this year. The year that higher ups have decided that Global Warming doesn't exist and are on a mission to  drag us backwards after so much progress has been made. (mind you not as much as we need)

Then Searching the web one day I landed on this page (330 Hearts in Nature on Pinterest I literally heard a voice screaming out, 'PLEASE See my Heart Humans!"  They convinced me yet again that Nature has a heart "beating" within each and every part of it and thrives on LOVE and appreciation same as we do.

While they are quite capable of flourishing as well as experiencing death via the life cycle Mother Nature provides, we also need to nourish and honour them via respect of this natural flow for if we are to survive we will need them and all the gifts they bring.. Always keep in mind that Mother Nature can wipe out much of technology in a matter of minutes and is standing by to see if we will work with her or against her in the future.

What will they give us in return? Look at these AMAZING photos to find out. 

WOW Pick for July 2018

WOW Pick for June 2018

Awaken Your Spirit: Reconnecting to Your Source by WOW Gal Marcella Billings

It seems every day now we are hearing of many children dying of gun violence, accidents and illness long before their parents and grandparents. This if such a horrific experience for families, especially Mothers to experience.

In this Book, a Mother takes you through her healing process after losing her son to Leukemia. Marcella and her husband seemed to be leading a perfect life, made more complete with two wonderful boys-until their eldest son, David, was diagnosed with leukemia dying at the age of 10 after enduring 2 years of pain and treatment.. 

Marcella was left heartbroken and with her faith in God shattered. After years of seeking answers and inner-peace, She reveals how it was only after she decided to release her pain and move forward that she was finally able to reconnect to her soul and return to the essence of life. 

In her uplifting spiritual guide inspired by David's teachings, Marcella details her poignant healing journey as she was guided to rediscover God's ever-present love, the truth of eternal life, and ultimately, enlightenment and peace.
Also included are simple tools and practical advice that will help others awaken their own spirits and learn to live fully again. In this spiritual guide, a mother shares a story of love, truth, and hope as she moved from the darkness of grief into the light of a new destiny..

The loss of a child can be devastating yet through healing our grief can we begin to evolve in to a space of gratitude that this BEAUTIFUL soul picked us to spend their short time on earth with. Then we can truly celebrate their life rather than only focusing on their death, we can find peace.. 

Beautiful Child by Pauley Perette

After reading the reviews on this song by Pauley Perrette, better known As Abby on NCIS, I had to hear it myself. Everything that was said in those reviews are absolutely true. One can not help but be moved by it. This song gave me goosebumps as I became caught up in both the melody and words and intensified with each moment of listening! WOW!!!  It is simply beautiful and needs to be heard by both parents and children throughout the world. 

Originally written for a friend who had lost her brother and raise funds for the Trevor Project dedicated to suicide prevention amongst LGBT children, being a High School teacher for 20 years, I know there are many other suicidal teens who need to hear this powerful  message. Especially, “Don't hide away. You're light inside needs to shine. Don't go away. You know you've got so much to say.”
WOW Pick for May 2018

Youtube comments: 
“This made me cry. I hope someone out there hears this song and gains strength from it. It hurts me so much to think that there are people out there who feel as lost, useless, and insignificant as I did a few years ago when I attempted. I guess I should say I'm better now, although I'm still struggling with myself, but in the past few years since my last attempt I've met so many incredible supportive people whom I wouldn't have met if I'd died back then. Things can change”

“I realize this was written in support of LGBT, but i would like to say this an amazing song for anyone who is going through rough times and needs to know they are loved.”

Listen with open ears & heart! Women of Worth Magazine consider this especially WOW Worthy!

WOW Pick for April 2018

Women Who Love Too Much by Robin Norwood

This timeless book is suitable for the reader for whom being in love means being in pain. Therapist Robin Norwood describes loving too much as a pattern of thoughts and behaviour which certain women develop as a response to problems from childhood. Throughout the years it has provided thousands of women all over the world to take a serious look at their abusive relationships and ultimately leave. 

Some of the comments have been: “this book allowed me to realize what I personally was(is) doing wrong in relationships”; “Very insightful book. I appreciated the ideas that you cannot change your partner, you only can change yourself”; “It's the biggest wake up call you'll ever get”. That being said… As long as we believe that if we are better women we can earn LOVE, this book will always be important.

     And Now on a Lighter Note....

Women Who Still Love Cats Too Much by Allia Zobel Nolan, Cartoons by Nicole Hollander
This adorable and “hiss-terical” book is for every woman who can just never get enough of that sweet little pink nose, those round green eyes and the whiskers that go on for days. As the author says, "I'm sure that some people think what I do for my cats is "over-the-top," but I strongly believe that when we are so blessed to have a cat choose us for their companion, it is our duty to spoil them and make them as happy and comfortable as possible for as long as they are with us.  If you're a cat lover, you will love Women Who Still Love Cats Too Much

Wedding Songs & Videos by T Carter Music

A Mother's Song is the one featured here but this is a website that has so much to offer all soon to be married.The perfect mother son wedding dance song!

Only one of many beautiful wedding options available for any woman’s wedding. New wedding dance songs for the father daughter dance, mother son dance, first dance, and much more! Classical, Celtic, and Acoustic Guitar wedding ceremony songs! Prelude, processional, recessional, and special ceremony songs. Available in CD, Mp3, or sheet music format.

The finest in New Wedding MusicWhile most couples have a song that resonates with them more than others these are well worth including throughout the reception for sure. Why reinvent the wheel when this is an AMAZING option available to you.

WOW Pick for March 2018

WOW Pick for February 2018
8 Colours of Prosperity by WOW Gal Moira Bush

This is the Ultimate Guide to turn your Debt Devils into Love Angels I was pleasantly surprised by the Introduction to this bookMoira’s explanation and insight into the Millennial Business Revolution is spot on. It’s clarification of this changing world and the new approach needed by today’s Entrepreneurial Businesses is essential for us all.
From there, she helps you identify the language of then ways of changing your “Debt Devil’s into “Love Angels”. Using the principles of Colours of Prosperity and the Law of Attraction to do this can only positively influence on your personal life and finances. Working through each of the colours brings AMAZING results!

Moira’s fun way of discovering our authentic ability to discover more about both ourselves and colours keeps you reading until you get your “Aha!” moment! Because life is about cycles you will want to revisit this book each time you even get close to revisiting your “Debt Devil”.
No matter whether you get this book for yourself or an loved one… whoever reads it will be far wiser than before they started. Maybe they will even commit to “Say Yes & Turn Up… No Matter What or Who Presents!

WOW Gal Moria Bush invites you to check out YOUR 2018 Colour Prediction & Pick Up Your Prosperity Book while there!!!

The Great Cosmic Mother by Barbara Mor and Monica Sjoo

In light of what has been happening throughout the world with women disclosing incidents where they have suffered due to power plays by men in authority over them this book bears reading and reviewing... It is a NEW YEAR After All!

I was first introduced to this book at the library one day.  I had been given a few statements by the angels that I couldn’t explain.  I don’t remember how this book landed in my hands and I signed it out.  After a few days I picked it up to read it and after only a few sentences I threw it down because I thought it was a man-basher.  My understanding at that time was ‘primitive’. A few days later I picked it up again and began reading in earnest.  My statements were answered.  I kept reading.  One of the questions I had asked the angels was ‘what is the cause of my suppression?’.  The book continued to answer that question.  I cried through the whole book and said ‘I just wanted to know the reason behind my suppression NOT the suppression of women for the last 25,000 years!’
WOW Pick for January 2018

It begins billions of years ago defining the root of our being to the present.  It is like a circle.  As my Mother would say ‘the beginning dictates the end’.  The microcosm is the macrocosm. The Divine Feminine is inclusive. Truth is right here.  Where you are. Why are you working so hard to get it right?  These are the experiences you are meant to have. 

The Divine Feminine is not rising right now to weaken or undermine the masculine.  She is returning to change the Masculine.  And the Masculine behaves in its way because it feels separate from the Feminine on a very deep level.  He did not want to suppress the Feminine.  He is afraid of Her power because to be open to the Feminine it felt it was losing its power resulting in His ignorance of how to love Her without being Her protector.  The Feminine responds to Him – ‘I just need you to yield your love to me.  I’m a big girl. I don’t need your protection.’ This is not a war.  This is a love affair.  Love always triumphs. She’s back. And everyone is why She is going to be observable.

Alice Walker states: “One of the most important books I’ve ever read.”  After reading this amazing book, about 25 years ago and continuing to refer to these writings, I certainly agree with Ms. Walker. The amazing writers Barbara Mor and Monica Sjoo write about Rediscovering the Religion of the Earth in a concise, elaborate, detailed way that explains our Great Mother. It is a book about women’s HerStory.

Review submitted by WOW GaRoxsane Rysdae

WOW Pick for December 2017

The New Super Power for Women by Steve Kardian &‎ A. Clara Pistek

While watching the Dr Oz episode on 2 women who had car jacking experiences and survived a startling statistic hit home. “90% of people are killed when they are grabbed off the street and moved to a second location”. This book demonstrates ways that will help you prevent that from happening from you.

It takes only seven seconds for a criminal to pick you as a target. This empowering guide for women to protect themselves and their loved ones, from a self-defense expert and longtime veteran of law enforcement, combines common sense advice on staying safe with concrete actions on what to do if find yourself in a dangerous situation.

"The New Superpower for Women is a must-read for all women so that they will never have to hear the words “You are lucky to be alive.” It is a must-read for all parents so that they will never have to go through what my mom and dad did. All of Steve’s passion for women’s safety, his long history in law enforcement, which includes serving as an FBI defense tactics instructor, has been poured into this book. Using real-life scenarios, Steve explains what happens in the moments leading up to an assault and shows that how we respond in those seconds can affect our safety.

Although the perpetrator in my case was a stranger, overwhelmingly it is someone who we know and trust that commits the crime. This book arms
us with concrete ways to protect ourselves in these situations as well. Steve also recognizes that crime is never the victim’s fault. Especially in cases of sexual violence, survivors are often blamed and shamed into silence. Steve shatters the silence of sexual violence and equips us with the tools to better defend ourselves.

Shining a light on a culture that too often condones sexual assault and blames survivors, this book illuminates the key to unlocking every woman’s superpower—trusting her own intuition."--Angela RoseFounder and Executive Director of Promoting Awareness/Victim Empowerment (PAVE)

 Just a Little Heart Attack by and about Elizabeth Banks 
Christmas time (from this month on) is such a stressful time, especially for women. Many are saddled with almost all the work from getting the presents to all the celebration work including meal prep and clean up. So many times, women don’t check in or self monitor their feelings at this time. They are just too darn busy, exhausted and overwhelmed to even notice. 

This video is AMAZING in how it truly hits home this point and clearly demonstrates how even when in the midst of an actual heart attack we try to talk ourselves out of it and into continuing on despite the fact we can’t move. A MUST SEE for All women, men and even children using your discretion. Awareness and creating a quick action plan are important. They can and do save lives. And yes, contrary to what we all like to think, it CAN happen to YOU or a Loved One. And it CAN end WELL!

WOW Pick for November 2017

Get Involved. Save Lives. Go Red!
    Be Informed or Donate YOUR Way Now!

WOW Pick for October 2017

"You Have To LAUGH To Keep From CRYING
How To Parent Your Parents" by WOW Gal Charlotte Canion

When I first saw the cover of this book I was VERY drawn to the title. While my parents and grandparents all passed away before they had to be placed in a home,  I am surrounded by friends and loved ones dealing with this. 

Charlotte had three parents to parent instead of just one to take this journey with. Through her roller coaster journey the ability to pull herself out of what otherwise was an absurd or sad situation and release it through spontaneous laughter…with…not at… one or more of her loved ones. Throughout this experience, Charlotte learned to recognize that even when we think “there is nobody home” inside… “A Smile is a sign of joy… A Hug is a sign of Love… And a Laugh is a sign of Happiness.”  

I LOVE this book and HIGHLY RECOMMEND everyone who are parents or have parents alive read it. It will teach you how to ... “Empower yourself by putting on the armor of knowledge. Find humor in every situation. Discover the power of laughter and see how it will help you cope with the task of parenting our parents, a task that will be inevitable for most of us.” Full of information that can help to face the future with the understanding that “Sometimes memories sneak out of my eyes and down my cheeks…” It helps us to treasure what is still beautiful in all relationships.

100 Years of Fashion Videos by Glam

It was no easy feat for Glam to put these videos together at a time when technology wasn't as seamless as it is today.

They are all definitely worth a look see and many of you will be wearing a smile due to going down memory lane and what you were wearing during each year represented.

RECOMMENDED: Keep volume down as our only bugaboo was some of the frantic beats in the soundtrack. Would have preferred better song choice on some.

We share these at a time when our localBPW (Business & Professional Women) of Niagara Falls was celebrating 100 years of being of service to our Niagara Community.Enjoy! 

WOW Pick for September 2017

100 Years of Fashion: Women

100 Years of Fashion: Women in Film 

100 Years of Fashion: Women in Heels 

100 Years of Fashion: Wedding Dresses 

WOW Pick for August 2017
SketchSHE- A ride through the ages

SketchShefeatured on the Ellen Show, have a lot of funny videos representing Women and this  is one of our favourites!

Shae-Lee Shackleford, Lana Kington and Madison Lloyd are three Australian models turned comedy YouTube stars.They are constantly coming up with new ideas and crazy video concepts with new twists!

They have gained 260 MILLION views on social media .

View More of their Videos on this Daily Mail Review as well as the video clip of them on Ellen's show. Enjoy!!!!









WOW Pick for July 2017

WOW Pick for June 2017

I  Affirming Arts Colouring Book Vol 1 by Create. Build. Inspire. & Heather Richard

Yes Colouring is the new stress reliever and lately the market is flooded with all kinds of similar colouring books. Yet, this really is more than just a coloring book.

It is a coloring activity book designed to help people feel good. All images are carefully hand-drawn using only positive affirmations and words to help inspire, encourage and motivate people to be happier, healthier and follow their dreams. This book includes 15 Affirming Arts™ coloring pages, 6 pages to write your own positive affirmations on, plus drawing pages and instructions on how to make your own Affirming Arts™ Images, so you can create your own personalized images to help you feel empowered to live your life the way you want to. Once you start the active meditation of colouring itself… you begin semi-consciously reading and absorbing statements such as “All is well”, “I have a beautiful mind”, “I create my life.” I am safe.” and many more. Therefore it is a colouring book for all ages, including teenagers who often struggle with a self-concept of being less than in a world that places so much emphasis on what is considered the norm in society. 

The creators of this book designed it to help people positively shift their thinking so they can set and achieve goals, overcome obstacles, feel good, build better habits and make great choices for their life. After doing a few of the pages I can attest to the positive state of mind that can be reached with this AMAZING new colouring concept.

Life My Mother Does Sung by Lauren Alaina 

In Celebration of Mother's Day we are happy to share this Future WOW Gal's version of a tribute to her Mom. The video is full of fun memories of Mother and Daughter moments and the song itself reflects appreciation of a role model, teacher, mentor and yes best friend. While it is true that not all of us have this kind of relationship with out Moms, there is always hope that with time anything is possible. 

"I let my temper fly and she can walk away when she's had enough" affirms that love abides despite times of conflict. Celebrate your Mom this month and every day... after all without her you wouldn't have been born. Enjoy this feel good song and video.

Songwriters: Liz Rose / Nikki Williams / Nathan Chapman

WOW Pick for May 2017

WOW Pick for April 2017

"Nameless - A Story of Faith by Tammy Leigh Robinson 

A beautiful yet heart-wrenching story that compels you to read it to the very end. You first meet a thirteen year old girl raised in a traditional Jewish home whose life drastically changes from a very happy one to isolation and shame. With a family that continues to love her and care for her from afar she lives alone for a little over a decade. Then she is told she only has a few days or weeks to live and suddenly, with death hanging over her, she starts to truly live. 

After hearing an Amazing Healer has come to her neighbouring town by her visiting care takers, she is surrounded by Light and Dark Angels. They battle for her soul taking her through extremes of Hope and Doubt; Peace and Fear; Strength and Weakness; Life and Death whether she stays put or ventures out, is caught and stoned. Faith gives her the final courage to go to this man they are calling the Messiah. If she can just reach Him... If she can just touch “the tassels that dangled in front of her”... life would begin anew.

In this book we revisit a familiar time and place we have carried forward for centuries and meet one of the nameless many who was healed by having and holding close a strong FAITH in the power of LOVE, Only Available through TLR Publishing

Tammy Leigh Robinson was our August 2016 WOW Gal Angel Tribute Contributor

"I Married Mr America" by Lindy Tefft 

What's it like behind closed doors with Mr. America?  No holds barred. She tells all!!

Life with a celebrity bodybuilder was far from "perfect" for Lindy Tefft.  Fame and riches couldn't ultimately mask a world filled with lies, abuse, and scam artists. Lindy crawled through a tunnel of terror that she thought would never end. Her insightful guidance will inspire others to find hope where there seems to be none. She offers a hand-up to those facing life's toughest obstacles. You don't know how strong you are until strength is your only choice! 

From the beginning of our lives we want to believe we have the perfect families, homes, life. Despite some situations of mental or physical abuse… denial can be the most implemented coping skill developed. 

Early in life women are taught by our fairy tales that we will be rescued by our Prince Charming. These men are always handsome and strong… seemingly perfect. Soon in our teens and then into our womanhood we find ourselves on the quest for our own prince… our own Mr. Perfect. Many times the more handsome the more perfect…or so we think. If not as handsome, than the next best thing is charisma and or charm. Right?

 Well felt Lindy takes you behind the scenes of a family with the "perfect mother" to a place where only pain is felt. Stepping out into her adulthood, she carried what she had learned into her relationships and being married to the "perfect" man wasn't "perfect" at all.  Yet a butterfly has emerged fully grown! A riveting, inspirational true story of personal triumph over impossible odds.

Lindy Tefft was our August 2012 WOW Gal

WOW Pick for March 2017

WOW Pick for Febuary 2017

"Fight Like A Girl" by Kalie Shorr  

Kalie Shorr has been a leader in the fast-rising #LetTheGirlsPlay movement, so it’s fitting she’d write and record a theme song as her new single. In this just-released music video for “Fight Like a Girl,” the Portland, Maine native salutes struggles women fought through a century ago.

Shorr’s contemporary country message of equality was inspired by the very recent struggles women in country music have had. For nearly two years, the Song Suffragettes singer and songwriter round has taken the stage at the Listening Room in Nashville. Shorr’s been there the entire time, leading a response to the dearth of women having success as artists and songwriters. When radio consultant Keith Hill suggested songs by women should only make up a small percentage of radio playlists (#Saladgate), he planted a seed for this fiery country rocker.

“I’m perfume sweet and whiskey strong / I damn sure ain’t no underdog,” Shorr sings during the chorus. “You say I can’t, well darling watch me / You can’t stop me because I fight like a girl.” 

In the video, one sees Shorr alternating between guitar and mandolin as scenes from the movie Suffragette wiz past. The 2015 film stars Carey Mulligan, Anne-Marie Duff and Helena Bonham Carter as leaders of the early feminist movement. It was set in early 20th century England and released in theaters in OctoberRead More...

     How to Raise the Vibration around You by WOW Gal Dawn James

In this excerpt from this book I was reminded of one of the things I used to do in all my other homes that I haven’t done in my latest one and my allergies have been so much worse. On my way out now to buy English Ivy for my bedroom and Snake Plant for my bathroom. Hope one or more of these will become part of your 2017 if you aren’t doing them already. Lots more inside

Have you ever stopped to think about how healthy your home is?  When was the last time you thought about indoor air quality? Here are my three favorite ways to raise the frequency of the air in my home. These are natural ways to enhance your air quality and enjoy the benefits both physically as well as aesthetically.

These are natural ways to enhance your air quality and enjoy the benefits both physically as well as aesthetically. These suggestions are from my newest book How to Raise the Vibration around You, Volume I, which is available on our website, and online bookstores worldwide

1.Bring nature inside by adding house plants to your home.  Having house plants in your home is a great natural way to keep your air cleaner. Did you know that English Ivy not only removes toxins such as benzene, xylene, toluene and formaldehyde from the air but it also removes mold, making it an excellent choice for those with allergies? 

2.Light cappings beeswax- this is the only beeswax that emits negative ions. These candles burn cleanly and are non-toxic and non-carcinogenic, and do not cause allergies. You can think of them as indoor air purifiers that also produce a warm glow in your room and they also smell divine. 

WOW Pick for January 2017

3.Working with essential oils: One of the best ways to raise the vibrational frequency around you is to infuse the air with essential oils. This can be done with a diffuser, a cloth or tissue, hot water, a vaporizer or humidifier, or a fan or vent. One of the easiest ways to disperse oil in the air for inhalation is to use an aroma diffuser. A cool-air diffuser is recommended rather than a diffuser that uses heat, such as a light-bulb ring, because heat alters the chemical constituents of the oil, reducing its therapeutic properties.  


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